Shane N. Sweet, Ph.D.

Professeur agrégé, Département de kinésiologie et d'éducation physique, Université McGill
Chercheur régulier, CRIR–Hôpital juif de réadaptation, CISSS de Laval

Téléphone : 514 398-4184 (09903)

Télécopieur : 514 398-4186

Courriel :


  • B.A., psychologie (Honneurs), Université d’Ottawa, 2004
  • Ph.D. psychologie expérimentale, Université d’Ottawa, 2011
  • Stage postdoctoral, Department of Kinesiology, McMaster University, 2011
  • Stage postdoctoral, CIRRIS-IRDPQ, 2012-2013
  • Stage postdoctoral, School of Kinesiology and Health Studies, Queen’s University, 2011-2013

Intérêts de recherche

Activité physique, participation sociale, qualité de vie des adultes.

Laboratoire de recherche

Laboratoire de théories et d’interventions en psychologie de l’exercice et de la santé (TIE)

Publications choisies

Rocchi, M.A., Robichaud Lapointe, T., Gainforth, H.L., Chemtob, K., Arbour-Nicitopoulos, K. P., Kairy, D. & Sweet, S.N. (Sous presse 2020 (Online ahead of print)). Delivering a tele-health intervention promoting motivation and leisure-time physical activity among adults with spinal cord injury: An implementation evaluation. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology. [doi]

Michalovic, E., Jensen, D., Dandurand, R.J., Saad, N., Ezer, N., Moullec, G., . . . Sweet, S.N. (2020). Description of participation in daily and social activities for individuals with COPD. COPD, 17(5), 543-556. [doi]

Chemtob, K., Rocchi, M., Arbour-Nicitopoulos, K.P., Kairy, D., Fillion, B. & Sweet, S.N. (2019). Using tele-health to enhance motivation, leisure time physical activity, and quality of life in adults with spinal cord injury: A self-determination theory-based pilot randomized control trial. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 43, 243-252. [doi]

Sweet, S.N., Michalovic, E., Latimer-Cheung, A.E., Fortier, M., Noreau, L., Zelaya, W. & Martin Ginis, K.A. (2018). Spinal cord injury peer mentorship: Applying self-determination theory to explain quality of life and participation. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 99(3), 468-476. [doi]

Best, K.L., Arbour-Nicitopoulos, K.P. & Sweet, S.N. (2017). Community-based physical activity and wheelchair mobility programs for individuals with spinal cord injury in Canada: Current reflections and future directions. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 40(6), 777-782. [doi]



Axe de recherche

Axe 2 : Participation, inclusion sociale et services de réadaptation

Thème de recherche

Thème 2 : Services, systèmes et politiques

Site de recherche

CRIR – Hôpital juif de réadaptation, CISSS de Laval

Affiliation universitaire