Communication tools
Depending on the urgency of the news or the closing date, here are the tools at your disposal for the diffusion of news:
- HEBDO: News and general communications that are deemed sensitive and time-sensitive and are emailed to all members. Distribution: 1 time per week
- NEWSLETTER: The CRIR newsletter provides information and news with no time limit on:
- Scientific activities at CRIR’s administrative headquarters and its four sites;
- Appointments of researchers, clinicians and site personnel;
- Members’ achievements;
- Knowledge mobilization and transfer, activities organized by the research axis coordination team and members of the CRIR student committee;
- And more!
Distribution: 3 times a year (Winter (February/March), Spring (May/June) and Fall (September/October).
Previous newsletters are available on the CRIR website. Consult the archives!
LinkedInCe lien s’ouvrira dans une nouvelle fenêtre”
- Social network used to share news, activities, videos and good achievement of members.
- Social network used to share news, photos and videos of CRIR and its members.
Follow us : @crirmtl
- CRIR’s YouTube channel presents CRIR’s corporate videos and recordings of several of CRIR’s scientific activities such as
- CRIR Axis Workshops
- Workshops and activities – CRIR’s Student Committee
- Workshops and activities – CRIR’s EDIA Committee
- CRIR Scientific Conferences
- CRIR 2021 Scientific Congress
- Partnership and knowledge mobilization
- Videos: CRIR corporate video (2017) and videos ” The Faces of Research at CRIR” (2022)
Follow us : YouTube CRIR View them with a simple click!
CRIR Student Facebook
- CRIR Student Facebook: This group, managed by the CRIR student committee, disseminates useful information to CRIR students, such as job offers, training, workshops, events, oral presentation competitions, recruitment notices, etc. Consult the CRIR student committee Facebook® page to follow the activities of your committee. You can share the content that’s relevant to the student community or submit questions to other CRIR members.
Follow CRIR Student Facebook:
CRIR logo: Graphic standards of use
Affiliation with your research centre is useful when you present your research projects and communicate with the scientific community. Be sure to incorporate the CRIR logo on your poster and oral presentations and in your email signature.
The “human” dimension is expressed in the acronym’s typography. The letter “i” of the word “CRIR” represents a person – the user – who becomes the focus of the visual signature.
Presented obliquely and dynamically, this “person” flourishes in the space and emerges from the logo. It represents the element of movement in the universe of rehabilitation, a fundamental aspect of CRIR’s vocation. The letter “i” also refers to CRIR’s interdisciplinary orientations. The key word is “i”-nterdisciplinarity, but also innovation, intervention, intensity, interaction, all words starting in “i” that characterize CRIR’s vocation.
The signature “Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation in Greater Montreal” must always accompany the logo, rendered in upper and lowercase, and with no space added between letters or words.
The font used is “MetaPlusNormal-Italic.”
The Pantone color references that should be used are:
- Green: PANTONE 104U
- Black: PANTONE Process Black U