Scientific Evaluation Committee

The Scientific Evaluation Committee (SEC) is responsible for the prior scientific evaluation of all research projects that are submitted either to Research Ethics Board in Rehabilitation and Physical Disability (REB-RDP) or the IRDPQ Research Ethics Committee (REC), except for those that have already received approval from a recognized scientific committee.

Projects must be evaluated scientifically by a peer review committee to be recognized. The following are recognized peer review committees

  • Scientific committees from establishments with a research center subsidized by a Quebec or federal granting agency;
  • Scientific committees from granting agencies recognized by the Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec (FRSQ);
  • University scientific committees;
  • Scientific committees from organisations recognized in a member country of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (e.g., INSERM, NIH).

Other external scientific evaluations of research projects can also be recognized if they are carried out following criteria similar to those used by the Committee.

Scientific Evaluation Grid

Composition of the Scientific Evaluation Committee


DUCLOS, Cyril, Ph.D.

SAINT-ONGE, Nancy, Ph.D.

COORDINATion agent



All CRIR and CIRRIS researchers are part of the Scientific Evaluation Committee.