PRESS RELEASE: CRIR’s founding partners renew their collaboration agreement!

Montreal, November 24, 2023 – The same committed team, a new name and an ongoing collaboration!


In June 2023, the administrators of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation of Greater Montreal (CRIR) (CISSS de Laval, CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre, CIUSSS Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal and CIUSSS West-Central Montreal) renewed their commitment and joint governance. As part of this renewal, and to better represent this shared governance, the team also changed its name from Pôle universitaire de réadaptation (PUR) to Comité de gouvernance du CRIR (CGC).

This governance committee sees to the sound management of CRIR and the implementation of its development plan. It represents CRIR in each of the institutions involved, and promotes research in all CRIR institutions, for the benefit of people with physical disabilities, their families and their communities.

This new agreement innovates by offering support to partners who would like to join the committee, with the creation of the status of associate administrator.

Together, we are continuing our journey to develop best practices in physical disability rehabilitation!


About CRIR

The Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation of Greater Montreal (CRIR) is a unique research centre that stands out for the excellence, breadth and diversity of its research in rehabilitation, as well as for its interdisciplinary, intersectoral and knowledge mobilization initiatives. These initiatives have an important impact in the clinical, scientific fields as well as in the, public and communities. CRIR provides an extraordinary environment for training new researchers, and is a model of partnership and administrative synergy.

The CRIR has 119 researchers working in two research axes, more than 189 clinician/health members who collaborate on various research projects and over 460 students.

Thanks to all these actors. CRIR has been one of the leading Canadian rehabilitation research centres i for over 20 years!

Source: CRIR
Contact: The Scientific Direction of CRIR


CRIR activities can count on the support of:

Funding                                                        University Affiliations