The Research Ethics Board (REB) in Brief
An essential element of CRIR’s mission is to encourage collaboration and research activities between rehabilitation institutions, universities and funding organizations.
The Research Ethics Board (REB) en readaptation et en déficience physique (RDP) reports to the CCSMTL board of directors. A delegation agreement is in force with the three other CRIR establishments. The CRIR member establishments that do business with the REB RDP are:
- CISSS de Laval
Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital (JRH) - CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre
Institut Nazareth et Louis-Braille (INLB) - CIUSSS West-Central Montreal
Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay Rehabilitation Centre (LLMRC) - CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
Institut universitaire sur la réadaptation en déficience physique de Montréal (IURDPM)
The REB shall examine all research projects involving humans and having at least one of the following characteristics in connection with a CRIR institution:
- The project is at least partially conducted in the institution
- Subjects are to be recruited from among the community served by the institution or from files retained by the institution
- Project proponents or researchers confirm or imply the participation of the institution
- The project makes use of human resources, materials or funding from the institution
- The project makes use of personal information contained in the files retained by the institution
The REB RDP is recognized by the three universities affiliated with the CRIR: Université de Montréal, Université du Québec à Montréal and McGill University.
The REB RDP is designated by Quebec’s Minister of Health and Social Services under Article 21 of the Civil Code of Quebec, allowing the REB to evaluate projects involving a minor or a person of full age who is incapable of giving consent.
It is governed by the cadre réglementaire de la recherche de la direction de l’enseignement universitaire et de la recherche of the CCSMTL (2020).