The Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation of Greater Montreal (CRIR), under evaluation by the FRQS | February 18, 2022
CRIR Development Plan 2022-2028
Today, after nearly a year of work, CRIR is very excited to be receiving the FRQS – FRQSC Evaluation Committee virtually! The eight members of the committee are meeting with different groups of key people who make up the diversity of rehabilitation research within our Research Centre.
On December 6th, 2021, CRIR submitted its 2022-2028 Development Plan to the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS) to renew its research infrastructure funding.
Today, 90 people are meeting with the evaluation committee. This includes the leaders of the research axis and thematic units 1 and 2, the site directors and clinical research coordinators (CRCs), the students, and researchers as well as the CRIR’s Scientific Direction and the direction of the Pôle universitaire en réadaptation (PUR).
The synergy that exists between the CRIR and its partners will also be highlighted by the presence of the affiliated universities and the involvement of the directors of the General Direction, the Research Direction, the Clinical Direction of the CISSSs and CIUSSSs as well as the CRIR member institutions’ rehabilitation-associated foundations.
This process would not have been possible without your continued support and commitment each step of the way. We thank you all, dear members and partners of CRIR.
CRIR’s Scientific Direction.