Chantal Robillard, Ph.D.

Adjunct professor, Department of Sexology, UQAM
Clinical Research Coordinator and Researcher, CRIR—Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay Rehabilitation Centre (Layton-Mackay site), CIUSSS West-Central Montreal

Phone: 514 488-5552 (1128)



  • B.A., Sexology, UQAM, 1997
  • M.A., Sexology, UQAM, 2000
  • Ph.D., Social Anthropology, Université de Montréal, 2006
  • Postdoctorate, Culture and Services in Mental Health, Douglas Mental Health University Institute, McGill University and Facultad de Salud Pública y Administración, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (Lima Peru), 2006-2007
  • Postdoctorate, Global Heath, Population Health Research Network, University of Ottawa, 2008-2011.

Research interests

Person with sensory impairment, social participation and active life in young adults, integration of ethnographic and qualitative methods and gender analysis.

Research laboratory

CAPTURE Research Lab

Selected publications

Robillard, C., Dhoot, T., Cormier, I. et al. (2019). Photovoice 2.0: Experience and meanings of TranXition program. Présentation par affiche à la Journée scientifique de réadaptation du CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, Montréal : 22 novembre 2019.

Cormier, I., Cousineau, V., Robillard, C. et al. (2019). TranXition: A new rehabilitation paradigm to enhance social participation of youth with disabilities transitioning to adulthood. Présentation â la conférence annuelle de l’European Academy of Childhood Disability, Paris, France: 22 mai 2019.

Robillard, C. (2016). Anthropology of health promotion. Dans, H. Callan (Ed.) International Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Oxford UK: Wiley Online Library.

Robillard C., Lévy, J.J. & Ouellet, M. (2012). Chapitre 12. Les dépendances et interventions assistées par les technologies de l’information en ligne (pp. 279-310). Dans, C. Thoër & J.J. Lévy (Eds.), Internet et santé: Acteurs, usages et appropriations. Québec QC: Presses de l’Université du Québec.

Robillard, C. (2010). The gendered experience of stigmatization in severe and persistent mental illness in Lima, Peru. Social Science & Medicine, 71(12), 2178-2186.



Research orientation

Axis 2: Participation, Social Inclusion and Rehabilitation Services

Research topic

Theme 1: Functional Mechanisms

Research Site

CRIR – Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay Rehabilitation Centre (Layton-Mackay Site), CIUSSS West-Central Montreal

University Affiliation