Tiiu Poldma, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, School of Optometry, Université de Montréal;
Director, Research Group (Illumination and Design Research Group);
Associate Researcher, CRIR
· FDIC, Fellow of the Interior Designers of Canada
· Compagnon APDIQ, inclusion sociale
· FDRS, Fellow Design Research Society
· Compagnon FERDIE
· Researcher/designer

Email: tiiu.poldma@umontreal.ca


  • B.A., Interior Design, Ryerson University, Toronto ON, 1982
  • M.A. (Honours), Culture and Values in Education, McGill University, 1999
  • Ph.D., Integrated Studies in Education, McGill University, 2003

Research interest

Impact of design on health and well-being

Recent publications

Movahed, M., Martial, L., Poldma, T., Slanik, M., & Shikako, K. (2023). Promoting Health through Accessible Public Playgrounds. Children (Basel, Switzerland)10(8), 1308. [doi] OPEN ACCES

Colucci, E., Nadeau, S., Higgins, J., Kehayia, E., Poldma, T., Saj, A., & de Guise, E. (2022). COVID-19 lockdowns’ effects on the quality of life, perceived health and well-being of healthy elderly individuals: A longitudinal comparison of pre-lockdown and lockdown states of well-being. Archives of gerontology and geriatrics99, 104606. [doi] OPEN ACCES

Poldma, T., DiFabio, L., Hammouni, Z.(2021/07). Students Engaged in Reflection and Practical Problem Solving: Exploring Colour Theory. Learning Landscapes, Spring 2021/Vol. 14, pp 317- 327. [doi] OPEN ACCES

Poldma, T., Hammouni, Z., & Di Fabio, L. (Sous presse 2021). Students engaged in reflection and practical problem solving: Exploring Colour Theory. LEARNning Landscapes Journal.

Poldma, T. (2020). Chapter 5. Social connectedness, social interaction and the design of interior environments. In A. Petermans & R. Cain (Eds.), Design for Wellbeing: An Applied Approach (pp. 61-74). New York NY USA: Routledge.

—Other publications


Research orientation

Axis 2: Participation, Social Inclusion and Rehabilitation Services

Research topic

Theme 2: Services, Systems and Policies

Research Site

CRIR - Institut universitaire sur la réadaptation en déficience physique de Montréal (IURDPM), CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l'Île-de-Montréal

University Affiliation