SEC Appointment : Jeff Ferreri, Coordinating Agent | Scientific Evaluation Committee (SEC)

CRIR’s Scientific Direction is pleased to announce the appointment of Jeff Ferreri to the position of Coordinating Agent for CRIR’s Scientific Evaluation Committee (SEC).

In position since October 24, Jeff supports the activities of the SEC, organize and follow up on the scientific reviews of research projects and the administration of the SEC.

Jeff is passionate about rehabilitation research and has extensive experience in project coordination and management. He has developed his organizational, communication and team management skills through various professional and volunteer experiences.


Congratulations Jeff!

To reach him :


The Scientific Evaluation Committee (SEC) is responsible for the prior scientific evaluation of all research projects that are submitted either to Research Ethics Board in Rehabilitation and Physical Disability (REB-RDP) or the IRDPQ Research Ethics Committee (REC), except for those that have already received approval from a recognized scientific committee.

Learn more about the SEC.