How can we promote the employment of people with disabilities through access to public transportation?

Research participants | 2 target audiences

Target audience # 1

  • Employers of employers’ representatives (e.g., human resources, manager of public or private business)
  • Transport Society : persons responsible of regular or adapted transport of Québec, Montreal, Laval or Longueuil cities

Eligibility criteria

  • Speak and understand English or French
  • Having at least two years of experience in your job

Nature of participation

  • Participation in this research project consists of sharing, in a 30 to 45 minutes individual interview, your personal experience related to the employment and transportation of persons with disabilities. You will be asked questions about the facilitators and barriers to the integration and retention of these persons in the workplace, as well as possible solutions and strategies to overcome the various barriers.

Target audience # 2

  • Persons living with a disability, such as persons living with a physical, intellectual, sensory or language impairment

Eligibility criteria

  • Speaking and understanding English or French
  • Being employed, looking for employment or having recently left a job
  • Living in Montreal, Laval, Longueuil or Quebec cities

Nature of participation

  • Participation in this research project involves sharing your employment and transportation experiences in a 30-45 minutes individual interview. You will be asked questions about the facilitators and barriers to your integration or job retention, the role of public transit accessing your place of work, and possible solutions and strategies to address the various barriers described.


Interested? Questions?

Contact the project leads:

Alexandra Tessier, M.P.O., Ph.D
Postdoctoral Fellow, McGill University
514-340-2085, poste 3166 |

Philippe Archambault, erg., Ph.D.
Professor at McGill University
450 688-9550, ext 4832 |
