CRIR Training workshop: The linear model and the generalized linear mixed with SPSS | March 9, 2023

When: 9 March 2023 09:00 to 9 March 2023 16:00

Where: Face-to-face Workshop : CCSMTL - Research Centre, Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal (CRIUGM),4545 Queen Mary Road, Montreal, H3W 1W4. Room: M6804 (6th floor) - Metro stations: Côte-des-Neiges or Snowdon station.

The CRIR’s Biostatistics Consulting is pleased to present its first training workshop SPSS.


The linear model and the generalized linear mixed with SPSS

This one-day hands-on workshop will be at the intermediate-advanced level and is intended primarily for CRIR student members, postdoctoral fellows and research professionals.

Training offered in French. Questions and answers in English and French.





Ali Filali Ph.D.,Senior Biostatistician



Face-to-face workshop – Free for CRIR members:

  • DateThursday, March 9, 2023 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (includes 1 hour 30 minutes for lunch and breaks)
  • CapacityMaximum 20 people
  • LocationCCSMTL – Research Centre, Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal (CRIUGM),4545 Queen Mary Road, Montreal, H3W 1W4. Room: M6804 (6th floor) – Metro stations: Côte-des-Neiges or Snowdon station.
  • Registration deadline extended to March 1, 2023


Registration via this registration form:

📍 Register by clicking on this link.



📍 Training poster: PDF format (pdf) – Accessible Word format (docx)

📍 Information by email at the following two addresses: