CRIR Welcome Day and Students’ General Assembly 2021 | September 7, 2021

When: 7 September 2021 12:00 to 7 September 2021 15:00
Zoom :
Reunion ID: 846 1044 2406 | Phone: 438-809-7799
Do you have funding requests to submit this fall?
Be aware of the new FRQ evaluation criteria for training scholarship applications attending our workshop !
Registration required before September 6 here
Whether you are in your first year or at the end of your program, this Welcome Day is for you!
This welcome day, presented virtually via Zoom, will allow you to know how the CRIR works, to discover the various research sites and to meet the people who are part of the great CRIR team.
You will be able to participate in the workshop on the theme “New FRQ evaluation criteria for training scholarship application” and attend the Annual General Assembly (AGA), during which we will have the opportunity to discuss projects for the coming year and themes of the next Student Colloquium.
12:00 – 13:00: Student welcome and presentation of the CRIR, its team and your student committee by the student representatives of axes 1 & 2
- Choumous Mannoubi and Jeff Ferreri, axis student representatives, both graduate students at the Université de Montréal (UdeM).
- Presentation of the student representatives of the CRIR sites: Shirley Dumassais, Bernat de las Heras, Roya Khalili, Nicole C. George, Julie Robidoux, Charlotte Hendryckx, Chantal Kreidy.
- Welcome from CRIR’s Scientific Directors: Philippe Archambault, McGill and Claudine Auger, UdeM
- Presentation of the CRIR Research Ethics Committee, the schedule and procedures of the Nagano platform by Coralie Mercerat, Research Ethics Coordinator for CRIR institutions.
13:00 – 14:00: Workshop: “New FRQ evaluation criteria for training scholarship applications”
Guest Speakers:
- Richard Brière, Scientific Coordinator, Programs and Partnerships, FRQS
Mr. Brière will present the new evaluation criteria for the FRQ training scholarship applications as well as the changes made to the application form (10 minutes + 10 minutes of questions).
- Naila Kuhlmann, Postdoctoral Fellow, McGill University
Naila will share with you her experience as a recipeint of various scholarships and as an evaluator for the 2021 CRIR Scholarship Competition last May (10 minutes).
During the workshop, you will also be invited to join breakout rooms to share your experience and seek advice from fellow students, to validate points in preparation for an upcoming submission (20 minutes).
The workshop will conclude with a group feedback (10 minutes).
Be prepared with your questions and bring a paragraph (max 100 words) of your own application that you want to work on as a group!
14:00 – 15:00: Annual General Assembly
- Video : Welcome day and workshop
- FRQS_PowerPoint Présentation
- Naila Kuhlmann_PowerPoint Presentation
- Promotional Poster
We look forward to seeing you!
Choumous Mannoubi, Jeff Ferreri, Shirley Dumassais, Bernat de las Heras, Roya Khalili, Nicole C. George, Julie Robidoux, Charlotte Hendryckx, Chantal Kreidy.