CANCELLED Managing the risk and impact of falls after spinal cord injury

When: 3 April 2020 12:00 to 3 April 2020 13:00

Where: CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de- Montréal — IURDPM
Pavillon Lindsay
Salle de visioconférence (521)
6363 chemin Hudson
Montréal QC H3S 1M9

Kristin Musselman, PT, Ph.D.

Scientist, KITE, Toronto Rehabilitation
Institute-University Health Network
Assistant Professor, Department of
Physical Therapy, University of Toronto

To assist by visioconference please register on IRIS # 2455410

For more info, please contact Pascaline Kengne Talla at or at 514 284-2214 (3715).

Presentation in English

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