TALKING RESEARCH – Rebecca Ataman | November 24, 2021

When: 24 November 2021 12:15 to 24 November 2021 13:00

Where: Zoom link:

Understanding how newly implemented rehabilitation best practices are sustained: A realist review

Conference presented by the Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital of the CISSS de Laval 

Rebecca Ataman, PhD Candidate, MSc, RKin

Rebecca’s project is supervised by Aliki Thomas and Sara Ahmed, CRIR researchers at McGill University 

Rebecca Ataman is a Registered Kinesiologist (Ontario) and current PhD Candidate in Rehabilitation Sciences at McGill University under the supervision of Drs. Aliki Thomas and Sara Ahmed. Her research focus concerns the sustainability, or the continued use of rehabilitation practices after their initial adoption and implementation

Description: Evidence suggests that only 40-60% of newly implemented practices in healthcare are sustained over the long-term, resulting in wasted funding, loss of potential improvements in quality of care and patient outcomes, and health service inequities. Based on the results of a realist review, in this presentation we will discuss how, in what contexts and using what strategies rehabilitation practices can be sustained by individual clinicians and rehabilitation organizations (and when they should not be sustained!)

English presentation.

  • Poster_Rebecca Ataman (PDF)
    (pdf)osée (pdf
  • For JRH clinicians, the presentation will be broadcast in the Boardroom for in-patient therapists and Salle des Miroirs for out-patient therapists.

For more information: