Daniel Bourbonnais — Winner of the REPAR 2023 Excellence Award

The CRIR scientific direction congratulates Daniel Bourbonnais, CRIR-IURDPM associate researcher,

for this award of excellence received for his exceptional career in rehabilitation.


With this award, REPAR recognizes the excellence and commitment to the development and influence of rehabilitation research carried out by Mr. Bourbonnais, a member of REPAR since 1994. By awarding him the 2023 REPAR Excellence Award, REPAR is thus highlighting the achievements of Mr. Bourbonnais, who has contributed significantly to the advancement of rehabilitation research in Quebec.
The scientific management and the CRIR community would like to highlight Daniel’s remarkable involvement in our research center ever since 2003.

Congratulations Daniel!


Daniel Bourbonnais, erg., Ph.D.
Associate professor, School of Rehabilitation, Université de Montréal;
Researcher, CRIR – Institut universitaire sur la réadaptation en déficience physique de Montréal (IURDPM, Gingras Pavilion)) of the CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal (CSMTL);
Scientific Director, Quebec Rehabilitation Research Network (REPAR);
Associate Member, Institut de génie biomédical, Université de Montréal/École Polytechnique.