CRIR Axes Workshop : Drop-in information OPEN ACCESS session – Nancy Azevedo | October 26, 2022

When: 26 October 2022 12:00 to 26 October 2022 13:00

Where: Conférence via Zoom | Inscription requise pour obtenir le lien de connexion :

Drop-in information OPEN ACCESS session:


Wednesday, October 26, 2022, 12:00-1:00 p.m. | online via Zoom – on registration



As part of the International Open Access Week (October 24-30, 2022), the axes coordination team invites you to come and learn how to submit publications to an institutional repository.

It’s easier than you think!


You will learn:

  • why this is important
  • the process to follow for CRIR affiliated universities (UdeM, McGill, UQAM, Concordia)
  • what you will need before you start the process.

The session will be facilitated by:

Nancy Azevedo, Ph.D.
Coordinator of the CRIR’s research axes

Nancy Azevedo is the coordinator of CRIR’s research axes. She works in close collaboration with the heads of the research axes and thematic units in the development and implementation of the research program related to CRIR’s axes 1 and 2.

Information :


International Open Access Week is a time to coordinate across communities to make openness the default for research and to ensure that equity is at the center of this work.

For more information about International Open Access Week, click here.