CRIR Axes Workshop: Simon Berthelot, MD MSc FRCPC | December 04, 2024 : Estimating the Cost of Care – Two Tools, Two Perspectives: TDABC and CoPaQ
When: 4 December 2024 12:00 to 4 December 2024 13:30
Where: Workshop presented online. Registration required via this link :
Conference organized by the CRIR Research Axes Coordination Team
Estimating the Cost of Care – Two Tools, Two Perspectives: TDABC and CoPaQ
- Wednesday, December 04, 2024, 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. | Online on Zoom
- Conference in French
- Poster : PDF format (pdf)| Accessible format (E-Text)(docx)
REGISTRATION REQUIRED by Tuesday, December 03, 11:45 p.m. by following this link
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Simon Berthelot, MD MSc FRCPC
Emergency Physician, CHU de Québec-Université Laval
Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Family and Emergency Medicine, Université Laval
Through his research work, Dr. Berthelot focuses on the clinical, economic, and environmental efficiency of healthcare services. He applies cost estimation methods based on the duration of care and life cycle analysis. His projects aim to reduce the overutilization of healthcare resources and to develop new, more efficient care pathways for emergency and primary care patients.
Conference description:
Health services in Canada are facing significant challenges, particularly regarding their funding. In a system with limited resources, care must be optimized so that the money invested yields maximum benefits for the population. Consequently, researchers in the health field find it difficult to develop and evaluate new interventions without also estimating their costs. This presentation aims to describe the essential components of a cost estimation for care from two perspectives: that of the Ministry of Health (public payer) and that of patients and their families. Two tools will be presented: 1) cost estimation based on the duration of care activities (known as time-driven activity-based costing or TDABC); 2) the CoPaQ (or Cost for Patients Questionnaire).
Anticipate your questions!
Are you interested in learning more about cost estimation? Submit them now so our speaker can address them in detail during the conference.
- By registering on Zoom, you will have the opportunity to submit your questions, or you can send them via this survey, or use this QR code
Target Audience:
This event is primarily intended for CRIR researchers and managers, but anyone interested in health economics is welcome.
We hope to see you there!
Mohamed Mathlouthi, M.Sc.
CRIR Research axes coordinator
Information :