CRIR-HJR Scientific Conference: Sara Arlati, PhD | October 24, 2024: Virtual Reality for rehabilitation: the experience of CNR-STIIMA

When: 24 October 2024 12:00 to 24 October 2024 13:00

Where: Hybrid Conference:
◼️ In person: Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital, 3205 Pl. Alton-Goldbloom, Laval, QC H7V 1R2 | B0025 - Research Department main area | Confirm your attendance:
◼️ On line, on Zoom, on registration here:

Scientific conference presented by the CRIR-Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital (JRH), CISSS de Laval as part of the HJR’S “Talking Research” Series.

Presentations by researchers or postdoctoral fellows on the findings of their research projects.

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Sara Arlati, PhD

Italian National Research Council | CNR · Institute of Intelligent Industrial Technologies and Systems for Advanced Manufacturing STIIMA-CNR; Biomedical Engineering

Sara Arlati received her MSc degree in Biomedical Engineering in 2013 and her Ph.D. degree in Bioengineering in 2020 from Politecnico di Milano (Milano, Italy). Her Ph.D. thesis was about virtual reality-based cognitive interventions for older adults with mild cognitive impairment. She is currently a full-time researcher at STIIMA, an institute of the National Research Council of Italy. Her research interests mainly deal with eXtended Reality (XR) technologies and their application to the health sector; she designs and develops applications supporting neuromotor rehabilitation and cognitive training for diverse populations of users. She is also interested in the evaluation of the user experience and in using XR to support neuroscience studies.




About this conference

Virtual Reality for rehabilitation: the experience of CNR-STIIMA

STIIMA is a technological institute of the National Research Council of Italy carrying out research in the fields of eXtended Reality (XR) technologies, mechatronics, and motion analysis. The presentation will focus on XR-based solutions for health, among which the Institute experiences in supporting the neurorehabilitation of the upper limb after stroke, the learning of wheelchair skills, the training of cognitive abilities, and the improvement of physical fitness. The idea is to provide an overview of the activities to create space for discussion and potentially foster future collaborations.





october 24, 2024, 12:00 to 1:00 Pm | Hybrid conference offered in English

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