Congratulations to the winners: Bonnie Swaine 2023 Recognition Awards | Partnership and Knowledge Mobilization – for Clinician Members
The Scientific Direction of the Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire en réadaptation du Montréal métropolitain (CRIR) was pleased to announce the winners of the second edition of the “Bonnie Swaine 2023 Recognition Awards | Partnership and knowledge mobilization – for Clinician members” competition, at CRIR’s Annual General Meeting, held online on November 24, 2023 in front of more than 65 people.
These Awards are presented to CRIR clinicians who have made outstanding contributions to partnerships and knowledge mobilization in support of CRIR’s mission over the past five years.
Objectives :
- To recognize the contribution of Clinician/Healthcare Professionals in the development of partnerships and the realization of the CRIR’s research mission.
- To promote the outreach of partnership research and the participation of Clinician /Healthcare Professionals in the mobilization of knowledge.
For this second edition, four exceptional nominations were submitted by local committees of CRIR establishments and then analyzed by the “Wise persons” Committee, made up of Bonnie Swaine, a retired CRIR clinical member, the Coordinator of Partnerships and Knowledge Mobilization, and chaired by CRIR’s Scientific Co-Director.
Congratulations to the four winners | The Bonnie Swaine 2023 Recognition Awards
Elizabeth Dannenbaum, pht, M.Sc.
Physical Therapist
CRIR – Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital (JRH)
CISSS de Laval
- Congratulations to Elizabeth, who has been selected for her leadership in the creation of the JRH’s nationally and internationally recognized vestibular clinic, and in the creation and validation of a self-assessment measure for visual vertigo. She has also distinguished herself through her involvement in clinical supervision, teaching her knowledge to clinicians in Montreal, Quebec, Tel Aviv and China, and supervising student research projects. Finally, the wise persons committee highlighted her provincial, national and international influence, thanks to her numerous poster and platform presentations, articles in Physio-Québec and funding from CRIR and REPAR.
Brigitte Lachance, pht, B.A. danse, M.Sc. Réadaptation
Clinical Physiotherapist
CRIR – Institut universitaire sur la réadaptation en déficience physique de Montréal (IURDPM)
Creator of the dance therapy program for the physically disabled
CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
Congratulations to Brigitte, who was selected for her leadership in setting up a dance therapy program at the Centre de réadaptation Lucie-Bruneau (CRLB), now offered to all IURDPM physical disability clients. She is recognized for her interdisciplinary research projects in dance therapy evaluation and her contribution, as a clinician, to the dance therapy research project, which won a major grant from the Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) for the AUDACE interdisciplinary research program. In addition, the wise persons committee highlighted the provincial, national and international impact of her scientific, clinical, artistic and media interview contributions. Finally, her recent collaboration with the James Bay Cree community stands out for its innovation.
Marie-Claude Lavoie, M.Sc.
Mobility Orientation Specialist
CRIR – Institut Nazareth et Louis-Braille (INLB)
CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre
Congratulations to Marie-Claude, selected for her leadership in the development of orientation and mobility intervention tools and programs for children, teenagers and adults with deafblindness. Over the years, she has become a recognized specialist in clients with dual sensory impairments, and has made a name for herself in her field by contributing to a collective teaching work, and by her involvement in the organization of conferences and several training courses in her field. Finally, the wise persons committee highlighted her provincial, national and international influence, thanks to her collaboration with several European players (France) and the organization of awareness-raising activities.
Minh-Thy Truong, erg., M.Sc.
Occupational therapist
CRIR – Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay Rehabilitation Centre (LLMR)
CIUSSS West-Central Montreal
Congratulations to Minh-Thy who was selected for her leadership in implementing a solution to measure the effectiveness of the driving program, in addition to creating award-winning educational videos for caregivers on the safety principles of wheelchair transportation. She has also distinguished herself through her involvement in clinical supervision, teaching and supervising student research projects, as well as obtaining funding (OEQ-REPAR) and awards (COTF Future Scholar 2021). Finally, the wise persons committee highlighted her provincial, national and international influence, thanks to her many presentations at conferences specializing in her field of research.
The Scientific Direction, establishments and the entire CRIR community congratulate them and highlight their remarkable contributions to the influence of research and the development of partnerships and to the realization of the CRIR’s research mission.
- To find out more about the “Bonnie Swaine Recognition Awards”, click here.
December 1, 2023