Sara Ahmed, pht., Ph.D.

Full Professor, School of Physical and Occupational Therapy, McGill University;
Researcher and Site Director, CRIR–Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay Rehabilitation Centre, Constance-Lethbridge site, CIUSSS West-Central Montreal

Phone: 514 487-1891 (185)



  • B.Sc., Physical Therapy, McGill University, 1996
  • M.Sc., Rehabilitation Medicine, McGill University, 1998
  • Ph.D., Epidemiology and Biostatistics,  McGill University, 2004
  • Postdoctorate, Clinical and Health Informatics, McGill University, 2007

Research interests

Asthma, chronic disease management, health informatics, health care delivery, health and health-related quality of life.

Research Laboratory

Person-Centered Health Informatics (PCHI) Research Lab

Biomedical Research and Informatics Living Lab for Innovative Advances of New Technologies in Mobility (BRILLIANT-Rehab)

Selected publications

Gaid, D., Ahmed, S., Thomas, A., & Bussières, A. (Submitted 2021). Profiling knowledge brokers in the rehabilitation sector across Canada: A descriptive study. Health Research Policy and Systems. [doi]

Ahmed, S., Zidarov, D., Eilayyan, O., & Visca, R. (In press 2020 (Online ahead of print)). Prospective application of implementation science theories and frameworks to inform use of PROMs in routine clinical care within an integrated pain network. Quality of Life Research. [doi] OPEN ACCESS

Zidarov, D., Zidarova-Carrié, A., Visca, R., Miller, J.M., Brecht, K., Viens, N., & Ahmed, S. (2020). Core patient-reported outcome domains for routine clinical care in chronic pain management: Patients’ and healthcare professionals’ perspective. Quality of Life Research, 29, 2007-2020. [doi]

Gogovor, A., Visca, R., Ware, M.A., Valois, M.F., Bartlett, G., Hunt, M. & Ahmed, S. (2019). Determinants of patient experience with low back pain interdisciplinary care: A pre-post interventional study. Journal of Pain Research, 12, 3202-3213. [doi] OPEN ACCESS

Ahmed, S., Ernst, P., Bartlett, S. J., Valois, M. F., Zaihra, T., Paré, G., . . . Tamblyn, R. (2016). The effectiveness of web-based asthma self-management system, My Asthma Portal (MAP): A pilot randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 18(12), e313. [doi] OPEN ACCESS



Research orientation

Axis 2: Participation, Social Inclusion and Rehabilitation Services

Research topic

Theme 2: Services, Systems and Policies

Research Site

CRIR – Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay Rehabilitation Centre (Constance-Lethbridge site), CIUSSS West-Central Montreal

University Affiliation