Appointment by CRIR and its partners: Danielle Filion, coordinator of the Carrefour d’application des savoirs pour la relève en recherche en santé et services sociaux

Carrefour d’application des savoirs pour la relève en recherche en santé et services sociaux


CRIR’s Scientific Direction and its partners are pleased to announce the appointment of Danielle Filion as Coordinator of the Knowledge Hub*.


Danielle will coordinate the activities and development of the Knowledge Hub, as well as supervising a project manager. She will work closely with the Knowledge Hub management committee, formed by representatives from the five research centers, as well as university representatives and students.

Danielle holds a Master’s degree in Social Work from the Université de Montréal. At the beginning of her career, she worked in the community sector, notably with the Regroupement des organismes communautaires autonome jeunesse du Québec (ROCAJQ). Afterwards, for nearly 10 years, she worked as a community organizer in the health and social services network (CIUSSS du Nord-de-l’Île-de-Montréal).

After 2 years teaching social work at Cegep de Lanaudière in Terrebonne, Danielle joined the public foundation L’ŒUVRE LÉGER (now called Mission Inclusion) in 2015, where she led the Quebec Programs team, whose mandate is the empowerment of vulnerable and marginalized populations through financial and organizational support to community organizations.

Motivated by social justice, inclusion and knowledge sharing, Danielle is co-author of the book Pauvreté, inégalités et problèmes sociaux (Fides Éducation, 2019, 2nd ed.).

Let’s all welcome Danielle!

Danielle can be contacted at this e-mail address:


*The Knowledge Hub is an initiative of five research centers in the Montreal region, including CRIR, and aims to implement and sustain a service of workshops, internships and mentoring that will provide training in cross-cutting skills to graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. The goal is to guide students through training in project management, leadership, communications, creativity, etc., to enhance their employment prospects, regardless of their career path.

  • Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation of Greater Montreal (CRIR)
  • Research Centre of the Geriatric University Institute of Montreal (CRIUGM)
  • Centre de recherche en santé publique (CReSP)
  • Center for Research and Expertise in Social Gerontology (CREGÉS)
  • SHERPA University Institute – Immigration, diversity, health

“Together, these five research centers bring together more than 1,100 students in the health and social services field”.


Read: Press release – Launch of Knowledge Hub




CRIR | May 29, 2023