Aliki Thomas, erg., Ph.D.

Associate Professor, School of Physical and Occupational Therapy, McGill University,
Researcher, CRIR–Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital, CISSS de Laval
Phone: 450 668-9550 (84301)
Fax: 514 398-6360
- B.Sc., Occupational Therapy, McGill University, 1992
- M.Ed., Educational Psychology (Andragogy), McGill University, 1999
- Ph.D., Educational Psychology (Psychoeducation-Learning Sciences), McGill University, 2011
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, Knowledge Transfer, CanChild Center for Childhood Disability Research, McMaster University, Hamilton ON, 2012
Research interests
Education; learning and assessment; evidence-based practice; knowledge translation; professional expertise; clinical competencies; clinical reasoning; clinical decision-making; rehabilitation professions; evidence-based practice.
Find out more about her research interests in our CRIR Connects section
Research laboratory
Knowledge Exchange and Education in the Health Professions (K.E.E.P.) Lab
Selected publications
Luconi, F., Rochette, A., Grad, R., Hallé, M.C., Chin, D., Habib, B. & Thomas, A. (2020). A multifaceted continuing professional development intervention to move stroke rehabilitation guidelines into professional practice: A feasibility study. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 27(6), 401-441. [doi]
Rochette, A., Brousseau, M., Vachon, B., Engels, C., Amari, F. & Thomas, A. (2020). What occupational therapists’ say about their competencies’ enactment, maintenance and development in practice? A two-phase mixed methods study. BMC in Medical Education, 20(1), 191. [doi] OPEN ACCESS
Thomas, A., Kuper, A., Chin-Yee, B. & Park, M. (2020). What is “shared” in shared decision-making? Philosophical perspectives, epistemic justice, and implications for health professions education. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 26(2), 409-418. [doi]
Thomas, A., Lubarsky, S., Varpio, L., Durning, S. J., & Young, M. E. (2020). Scoping reviews in health professions education: challenges, considerations and lessons learned about epistemology and methodology. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 25, 989-1002. [doi]
Roberge-Dao, J., Yardley, B., Menon, A., Hallé, M.C., Maman, J., Ahmed, S. & Thomas, A. (2019). A mixed-methods approach to understanding partnership experiences and outcomes of projects from an integrated knowledge translation funding model in rehabilitation. BMC Health Services Research, 19(1), 230. [doi] OPEN ACCESS
Thomas, A., Gruppen, L. D., van der Vleuten, C., Chilingaryan, G., Amari, F. & Steinert, Y. (2019). Use of evidence in health professions education: Attitudes, practices, barriers and supports. Medical Teacher, 41(9), 1012-1022. [doi]
Research orientation
Axis 2: Participation, Social Inclusion and Rehabilitation Services
Research topic
Theme 2: Services, Systems and Policies
Research Site
CRIR – Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital, CISSS de Laval