Natasha Dumont-Carey, erg.

Occupational Therapist, CRIR – Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay Rehabilitation Centre (Constance-Lethbridge site), CIUSSS West-Central Montreal

Phone: 514 487-1891



  • M.Sc., Occupational Therapy, University of Montreal, 2012


Driving assessment, vehicle adaptation, motorcycle assessment; impact of stroke on occupational recovery (driving), hemianopia; acceptance and commitment to intervention; reflective practice. Collaboration with Isabelle Gélinas, erg., Ph.D.

Research orientation

Axis 2: Participation, Social Inclusion and Rehabilitation Services

Research topic

Thème 1 : The person, their entourage and the community

Research Site

CRIR – Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay Rehabilitation Centre (Constance-Lethbridge site), CIUSSS West-Central Montreal