Techno-Innovation in Rehabilitation Lab
By thinking “outside the rehabilitation box”, the Techno-Innovation in Rehabilitation Lab aims to contribute to improving the quality of life of individuals with physical disability.
- Exploring solutions to optimize recovery in rehabilitation using innovative and accessible technologies;
- Co-developing rehabilitation innovations with rehabilitation clinicians, managers, patients, caregivers, decision makers and community partners;
- Listening to and involving key stakeholders throughout the research process and encouraging a collaborative research approaches, including mixed-study designs, to reduce the research-clinical gap and facilitate knowledge translation;
- Developing cross-discipline partnerships (engineering, computer programming, robotics, design, anthropology, cinematography communication and information sciences) to best address the needs of people with disability;
- Contributing to the training the next generation of emerging scientists and highly qualified personnel in rehabilitation research.
Telerehabilitation, e-health, mhealth, digital rehabilitation, virtual rehabilitation, knowledge translation, best practice
Techno-Innovation Laboratory in rehabilitation in the news media
- Entrevue, Ça me regarde TV show on Ami-Télé channel (channel focusing on disability) Topic: Telerehabilitation during Covid-19, 18 June 2020
- Interview for Forum, Université de Montréal newsletter , mai 26 2020 Ce lien s’ouvrira dans une nouvelle fenêtre”
- Guest, Telerehabilitation discussion with Jennifer Oneil (University of Ottawa), April 8 2020
- Interview, Info-lettre, Université de Montréal, Faculty of Medicine, Téléconsultation : les soins de santé à l’ère du 4.0, mai 2019
- Interview, Liaison Bulletin MU360, Integrated University Health and Social Services Centres (CIUSSS) of the Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, June 2019 – Favoriser le retour à domicile Ce lien s’ouvrira dans une nouvelle fenêtre”
- Contribution to the section « La téléréadaptation en trois questions : Quels sont les principaux risques et embûches à prévoir et comment puis-je les éviter ou les contourner ?» Physio-Québec, OPPQ 45 (1) :19 (printemps-été 2018)
- Interview Canal M channel, Accès Libre Show, Round Table – Living Labs. Animator Benoit Racette, April 9 2018.
- Interview, CBC Radio, Homerun regarding intelligent power wheelchairs. April 25, 2017
- Interview, (Rabii et son fauteuil) Ce lien s’ouvrira dans une nouvelle fenêtre” for Électron Libre show on Télé-Québec channel, November 1, 2016
- Interview, Les prix à part entière show, Canal M channel, Involving patients and conduction testing in real settings to develop an intelligent power wheelchair. November 29 2016.
- Blog contribution, Innovations in health and involving patients (May 2013) Strategies for meaningfully involving users in the development of an intelligent power wheelchair. Ce lien s’ouvrira dans une nouvelle fenêtre”
- Entrevue (video) LaPresse Plus « La thérapie par la console de jeu » March 13, 2014
Axis and research themes
AXIS 2 – Participation, social inclusion and rehabilitation services
THEME 2 – Services, systems and policy
Research Team
Dahlia Kairy, Ph.D.
Contact information
Techno-Innovation in Rehabilitation Lab
CRIR–Institut universitaire sur la réadaptation en déficience physique de Montréal (IURDPM)
CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
Lindsay Pavilion
6363, Hudson Road
Montréal QC H3S 1M9