Sensory Motor Control for Balance and Locomotor Rehabilitation Lab
The focus of my research program is to elucidate the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying normal and impaired control of balance and locomotion. I also want to develop effective rehabilitation strategies targeting functional mobility in older adults, in individuals post stroke and in people living with chronic balance and mobility disorders, such as vestibulopathies, neuropathies, acquired brain and spinal cord injuries. Research projects range from the study of basic sensorimotor integration mechanisms for posture and movement control, to the application of new tools and technologies for the assessment and intervention of balance and mobility disorders. They also touch on the translation and mobilization of knowledge from research to clinical practice. A recently added direction of research is the interactions of cognitive and mobility tasks (single vs multi and facilitation vs interference).
My laboratory is equipped with:
- Virtual reality systems consisting of both high-end, 3D immersive screen projection and low-cost head-mounted displays for visualization
- Computerized, hydraulically controlled 6-degree-of-freedom motion platform to deliver and simulate postural perturbations encountered in the real environment
- Self-paced treadmill mounted on top of the motion platform and C-Mill projecting images on the treadmill
- Camera-based and wireless 3D motion capture and monitoring systems
- EMG system (16 channel)
- Foot plates and tendo muscular vibration systems
- Animation and Kinect-based exergames systems
- Executive-cognitive evaluation tools
Sensorimotor integration, neurorehabilitation, neurophysiology, motor control, biomechanics, posture and gait, balance, mobility, virtual reality, stroke rehabilitation.
Axis and research theme
AXIS 1 – Sensory, Motor and Cognitive Functions and Activities
THEME 2 – Physical and Cognitive Activities
Research team
Joyce Fung, Ph.D.
Samir Sangani, Ph.D. (Bioengineer)
Elizabeth Dannenbaum, PHT, MSc (Clinical Investigator)
Claire Perez, PHT, MSc (Clinical Investigator)
Contact information
Sensory Motor Control for Balance and Locomotor Rehabilitation Lab
CRIR–Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital
CISSS de Laval
3205, Alton-Goldbloom Place
Laval QC H7V 1R2
P 450 688-9550 (529)