Psychophysical Laboratory of Vision


The Psychophysical Laboratory of Vision studies the impact of healthy and pathological aging, as well as mild craniocerebral trauma, on visual perception by developing psychophysical paradigms to evaluate the processes underlying visual perception, including the role of attention in perception of movement and limiting visual sensitivity.

Current areas of research include the development of functional tests to assess the effectiveness of photoreceptors and enable the early diagnosis of ocular pathologies such as age-related macular degeneration, and the development of new functional paradigms to assess the impact mild craniocerebral trauma on the visual attention involved in the perception of movement.


  • Vision; Visual perception; Psychophysics; Motion perception; Visual attention; Contrast sensitivity; Aging; Mild traumatic brain injury; Age-related macular degeneration


  • Psychophysics laboratory: psychophysical screens with computers


Axis and research theme

  • Axis 1: Sensory, motor and cognitive functions and activities
  • Theme 1: Functional Mechanisms

Research team

Rémy Allard, PH.D.


Contact information

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Université de Montréal
3744 rue Jean-Brillant, local 230-39
Montréal, Qc, H3T 1P1

T : 514-343-6111 poste 8807