CAPTURE Research Lab


The mission of the CAPTURE Research Lab is to capture the voices of young people living with disabilities (any disability) and make it heard through audiovisual productions in order to promote their citizenship. The research team is working closely with the TranXition program of the MAB-Mackay Rehabilitation Center of the CIUSSS West Central Montreal. This eXtreme rehabilitation program supports young people at the X-crossroads by eXposing them to real life eXperiences and challenges in order to enable them to eXpress themselves as active citizens and make their voices heard. Thus, the research team is conducting rigorous evaluative research on the relevance, the effectiveness and the impact of the program activities. The lab is part of a health promotion paradigm, and is aiming to promote participatory, interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral approaches by engaging users and clinical teams in order to support the co-construction of a body of knowledge for the development of a new paradigm in rehabilitation. The lab aims at building an expertise in ethnographic (community, institutional, online) and qualitative (life and illness narratives, focused group discussions) approaches. A digital component is added to the lab’s work in the development of digital qualitative evaluation methods, through the use of photovoice, photo elicitation, and digital storytelling amongst others. Thus, these technologies become tools that democratize health and that support the social participation. The projects contribute towards recognizing and integrating the daily realities of youth with disabilities in the holistic and equitable management of policies and health and social services.


Youth, transition, social participation and active living, anthropology, program evaluation, digital.

Axis and research theme

AXIS 2 – Participation, Social Inclusion and Rehabilitation Services
THEME 1 – The Person, their Entourage and the Community

Research team

Chantal Robillard, Ph.D.

Contact information

CAPTURE Research Lab
CRIR–Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay Rehabilitation Centre
MAB-Mackay Site
CIUSSS West-Central Montreal
7000, Sherbrooke Street West
Montréal QC H4B 1R3